

This 人力资源 site is currently underdevelopment. All current employees are advised to use the internal site for complete and up-to-date information. (Please click here to be redirected)









Indiana State University is committed to promoting a productive and positive work environment for all of its employees. Situations may arise in which you would like confidential advice or to talk out situations over the phone or in person. We welcome the opportunity to help you find answers and work toward solutions.

If you need to discuss a matter with 人力资源 staff, confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. Some issues may require further investigation or consultation with other campus departments. In such cases, information will only be shared with other individuals on a need-to-know basis.


员工关系 staff are available to help employees and supervisors understand Indiana State University policies and procedures. Remember that many departments have their own standard operating procedures, including guidelines or standards for attendance, 合适的衣服, requests for time off, and department-specific issues. 请参阅 政策库 for Indiana State University policies.


员工关系 is available to consult with employees and with supervisors when there are questions or concerns regarding expectations, 表演, or behavior in the workplace. Indiana State University uses a progressive discipline process to address 表演 and behavioral problems and the 员工关系 staff provides direction to that process. 

Employee Disagreements/Conflicts

Usually, people can have different opinions and continue to work together toward common goals. However, sometimes differences in opinion or personal beliefs can result in workplace conflict. If you and another employee are having difficulty communicating or working together, 员工关系 can offer advice, 回答问题, and provide information about resources available to employees to promote a productive and positive work environment.

Manager/Supervisor 资源

The 员工关系 staff has developed various Training and Development resources to provide Indiana State University managers and supervisors with some of the resources and information they need to be successful, including but not limited to tips on documenting employee 表演, coaching for success, and conflict resolution.  


In the event that an employee separates employment with Indiana State University, you will need information about benefits, property that should be returned to ISU, as well as other important information. 请参阅 PDF 分离的清单 for a list of items to complete before your last day of employment.  

联系 the 员工关系 staff when you have questions or concerns regarding the above-listed situations, 812-237-4114.


Rankin Hall Room, 300
Terre Haute, IN 47809

电话: (812) 237-4114

周一至周五上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.